- [k277]
- ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ 2. Заветный (священный) месяц — зу-ль-хиджа.
Коран. Перевод Б. Шидфар. Б. Шидфар.
Коран. Перевод Б. Шидфар. Б. Шидфар.
Clase Flower — El USS Intensity (ex HMS Milfoil), en 1943 País productor … Wikipedia Español
Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn — Gerritsen Beach is a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, located near Marine Park and Sheepshead Bay. The area is served by Brooklyn Community Board 15. [ [http://www.nyc.gov/html/cau/html/cb/cb brooklyn.shtml Brooklyn… … Wikipedia
List of military vehicles — Military vehicles include all land combat and transportation vehicles, excluding rail based, which are designed for or are in significant use by military forces throughout the world. See also list of armoured fighting vehicles. Contents:… … Wikipedia
The Cockroaches — Origin Sydney, New South Wales Australia Genres Pop rock, rock roll Years active 1979–1991, 1994 Labels Regular Records … Wikipedia
K-200 KIFV — Infobox Weapon caption=K 200 KIFV in the 2007 Seoul Air Show name=K 200 IFV type=Infantry Fighting Vehicle origin=South Korea type=Infantry fighting vehicle is vehicle=yes designer=Agency for Defense Development manufacturer=Daewoo Heavy… … Wikipedia
New York City DOE District 22 — was a district in New York City encompassing New York City Public Schools in Brooklyn. However, districts were abolished in 2002 when the school system was reorganized.[1] Elementary School Name Grades P.S. 052 Sheepshead Bay (K052)… … Wikipedia
K2 Black Panther — Tipo Carro de combate País de origen … Wikipedia Español
Naedyceras Group — Temporal range: M Devonian Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class … Wikipedia
Hünensteine I + II bei Damme — Bei den Großsteingräbern Hünensteine I + II bei Damme, (auch Hünengrab Neuenwalde I + II genannt) handelt sich um neolithische Ganggräber, mit den Sprockhoff Nr. 978 und 979. Sie entstanden zwischen 3500 und 2800 v. Chr. und sind Megalithanlagen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Сура 89 АЛЬ-ФАДЖР ЗАРЯ РАССВЕТНАЯ, мекканская, 30 аятов — Во имя Аллаха, Милостивого, Милосердного 1. Клянусь зарей рассветной, 2. И десятью ночами в месяце заветном[k277] , 3. Четным и нечетным, 4. И ночью, идущей путем обычным, 5. Достаточно ли для разумного поклясться этим? 6. Разве не видел ты, как… … Коран. Перевод Б. Шидфар